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High-end Earners in
Arkansas ( Top 10% )
median annual wage
median hourly wage
  • Clean, maintain, operate and store heavy equipment
  • Check equipment daily to maintain a clean and safe work environment
  • Work with crew members to coordinate machine actions
  • Follow regulations to ensure that the job is done safely
  • Work with computers and other technology to increase efficiency
  • Communicate with train dispatchers to help them plan routes
  • Make repairs or report problems
  • Complete a production report at the end of the day
Joe Marsischky
Finish Dozer Operator
High School
Glen Rose High School
Where I Trained
Glen Rose High School
What I earned
High School Diploma

I get to work at 6:30 a.m. and begin my day with reading the safety rules. From there, I brief my manager on the tasks for the day and figure out what we are going to be doing for the day. Before 10 a.m., I have to send in a curfew request and a signal report ticket to the train dispatcher for the next day’s work so they can start planning their routes around our crew. For the rest of the day, I communicate with the dispatchers to see the times we will be able to work on the track. After working on the track, at the end of the day, I complete our production report."

I like that there is something new every day, and I also enjoy that I am able to work outside."

Arkansas Job Outlook
Average annual job openings
Number of jobs by 2026
Expected growth from 2024 to 2028